YEG Chef Starter Kits!

Posted on November 10, 2021

Introducing the High School Culinary Challenge  YEG Chef Starter Kit!

In support of the High School Culinary Challenge Scholarship Program, we are selling an exclusive starter kit for the Aspiring Chef in your life. There are only 24 specially curated boxes for sale! The perfect Christmas gift for the budding culinarian, with the chance to check off someone special on your Christmas List AND support local up and coming chefs. By purchasing this gift box, you will be helping the Canadian Culinary Fund grant 4 full scholarships to the NAIT Culinary Arts Program in 2022!

Each YEG Chef Starter Kit includes:

  • Small Wares set {Sponsored by HESCO}:
    Vegetable Peeler
    High temp Spatula
    Stainless Whisk
    Stainless measuring cups
    Stainless measuring spoons
  • Effing Seafoods Gift Certificate for $35.00
  • Get Cooking Specialty Cooking Class Gift Certificate
  • Meuwly’s Spice Rubs
  • Chartier Sourdough Starter and Recipe Voucher
  • Workshop Eatery Pickles and Preserves
  • D’Arcy Meat Shop Gift Certificate for $25.00
  • Chef’s Apron {Sponsored by Russell Hendrix}

These kits are well worth over $300 in value, and yours for the incredible price of $200! Place your orders before December 13th, delivery dates to be announced! Local pickup is free, and $15 delivery is available to Edmonton, St. Albert and Sherwood Park.


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